About me#

Short story#

Back in time. It’s 2012. I’m a software engineer participating at a contest about cold start problem in movie recommender systems. Zero knowledge about probabilities, statistics or machine learning. Solving the problem with bare hands without reading nothing on the topic was an unstoppable trap. The contest held a year, quarterly prizes. I won enough money to buy books to learn about those topics. Soon, I discovered that many of my imaginations and systems lied there in those books, analyzed by admirable people. Many other admirable people buried their years in libraries and systems which tackles data adventures.

Many books and libraries after, I started to collect my own implementations into what is now named rapaio. Write and rewrite many times, to find better tools, useful into those great data quests out there. Into these quests I would like to invite you too. Some of you already have done timid steps. I am thankful for that. Still, it’s plenty of space. You are welcomed.

There are no rules because we are still few in number. We can talk to each other. If we feel the need for rules, we will create them. Until then, you can follow your feelings, common sense and respect each of us deserves.

Some things about me#

I spent many years doing what I love: learning and solving problems. I am among the few lucky ones who have a native curiosity to learn how things works and have a job which requires mainly that. The process of understanding gives me a hard to define feeling of joy, to which I have to confess I am an addict. I do not say I am a brilliant whatever extraordinary, I am a normal being with some luck.

Someone once told me: “In this world there are composers who create worlds, there are virtuoso interprets who gave life to those worlds, and then there’s us, the ones who are good at listening. We play a role, since without us their music values nothing.”

I strive to be a good listener and I do that for a selfish purpose: to live upon myself the wonders many brilliant mind created for us. The main purpose of this project is to learn and experiment. If it is useful for anybody else would also be great, since I can learn more. I enjoy to share those small things that I learned and I enjoy more, without a drop of shame, the things I can learn from you.